ZZZ - GMG - Construction Las Vegas 2014-2015

Fall 2015 - Construction Las Vegas

Construction Las Vegas - Greenspun Media Group

Issue link: http://digital.greenspunmedia.com/i/587358

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Page 16 of 67

17 CONSTRUCTION LAS VEGAS VEGAS MODERN A home that's perfectly suited to its environment and to its owner doesn't just happen. Blue Heron expertly blends aesthetics with func- tion in our Vegas Modern style. And with an emphasis on sustainable design, contemporary-looking homes bring together indoor and outdoor living, delighting even the most discerning clients. Blue Heron works tirelessly to achieve goals through the most innovative methods of design, green building technologies and construction. Top le photo and bottom right courtesy of Trent Bell Photography Top right photo and bottom le courtesy of Henri Sagalow Photography

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