ZZZ - GMG - Construction Las Vegas 2014-2015

Fall 2015 - Construction Las Vegas

Construction Las Vegas - Greenspun Media Group

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51 CONSTRUCTION LAS VEGAS CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR j a t i b e r t i s p i r i t a w a r d dc building group For the folks at DC Building Group, a corporate cul- ture based on respect, integrity, innovation, teamwork and charity is paramount to a successful business driven by enduring partnerships, and DC's mission of enhanc- ing the lives of its employees, its clients and its com- munity has served the company well since its genesis in 2001. ose qualities also embody the essence of the J.A. Tiberti Spirit Award, which recognizes innovation on multiple levels. "Our key is our culture, and for us, it's all about cus- tomer service and developing lasting relationships," said President Bryce Clutts, a Las Vegas native and UNLV graduate who joined DC shortly aer it was founded by CEO Shawn Danoski. "Clients are buying who you are, not what you do, so I believe that culture eats strat- egy for lunch. Our goal is not to be the biggest or the wealthiest, but the most respected." With some 27 employees and a focus on hospitality, retail, industrial, office and religious nonprofit, company culture and innovation are at the core for DC, and is even reflected in its new corporate headquarters, hybrid digs that combine the necessary privacy of a traditional workspace with the open-floorplan office movement. "We're hard-working and we hold our employees ac- countable, but we're not slave drivers," said Clutts. "It's a fun and energized environment, where you can take a break and play foosball or throw some darts. We took a traditional work environment and mixed it with a less-restricted workday, and it's an awesome, great new energy." Clutts said the new office is also environmentally con- scious in its design and features, with energy-efficient LED lighting, sustainable building products such as the carpet and vinyl used throughout, low-energy applianc- es and electronics, and a tankless water system to reduce the use of plastic bottles. e company even reused the existing doors and frames from the previously existing office space to leave the smallest possible environmental footprint. In order to better serve its clients, DC also uses the latest in technology, including Microso 365 program, which allows the team to quickly and securely save and share any project documents over a cloud-based storage system which makes use of real-time syncing across all synced devices. is increases efficiencies among proj- ect managers, owners and clients, and subcontractors. DC has also shied from the use of computer towers to mobile 2-in-1 tablets, which provides an effective work- station whether it be at a desk, in a meeting room, on a job site or on the go. "We're always looking for ways to improve proj- ect delivery, and we really embrace any value-added services that we can provide," Clutts said, adding that this includes a policy of 11-month checkups for every client. "We believe that our group builds (our custom- ers') success, so we become entrenched in every project, and take it upon ourselves to meet with clients and walk the building 11 months aer the completion of a project, before the one-year warranty wears out. is not only tells the customer that we care, but also allows us to get back in front of them, which leads to a lot of repeat business. is approach also aligns with our core values of being the most respected builder and of developing partnerships and lasting relationships." A commercial builder with volume comprised of 50 percent ground-up construction and 50 percent interiors-related work, DC recently completed tenant improvements on a flagship Chili's location on Las Ve- gas Boulevard, is preparing to wrap up expansion work at Faith Lutheran High School and just broke ground on the new Opportunity Village Engelstad campus. While much of the firm's work is local, it has clients across the country, "because our clients know and trust us," according to Clutts. "We'll hire subcontractors, but we'll always send a DC team to work on projects based elsewhere." Looking ahead, "I don't see anything but growth mov- ing forward," Clutts said. "We've spent the last few years really reinvesting in ourselves and our people and we're now seeing the effects of that. We're incredibly blessed, and value the relationships we have with our customers and our community." — Danielle Birkin CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2015

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